Partner Portal Integration API´s

Integration Steps »

Notifications Events

Partners will need to register a webhook URL where event-based notifications will be delivered. Partners can specify which events are delivered to specific webhook callback urls. Partners will also need to register and use a signing-key to authenticate them as the correct receiver of events.

{partnerId} will be created for partners when registering for VIZIO Development

Webhooks configs

App Keys

The VIZIO Partner Portal is the centralized hub of communication between app partners and VIZIO. After registering an account, you can create API keys needed to communicate with VIZIO Cloud systems or the TV Client.

Third Party App Keys

Subscription Plans / Entitlements

SVOD partners will upload all available subscription plans, along with descriptions, pricing and other details. This metadata can be used for upgrades and downgrades from VIZIO systems as well as verifying transactions submitted from TV client. Each plan submitted will be given an identifier (planID) that will be used for VIZIO Pay transactions. Partners need to ensure each plan stored in the payment portal is up-to-date. A partner’s plans and plan IDs stored in the portal must match those displayed to customers within their app. Purchase requests for plans that are not stored in the partner portal will be rejected.

To validate purchases Vizio provides an Entitlement API that will validate the status of the subscription.

App Plans